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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Introduction: Welcome to Mood of Food

So I got this great idea the other day, after struggling to write on my own personal blog, Life As I know It, that I would write a food blog. It would be a blog about things that we make and try here, and things that my friends (who I'm hoping will be guest bloggers here! :)) make, and reviews of kitchen porn (aka toys). It would also be a blog about meals out and about, menus found and therefore, featured. You might find some conversations about Food Network shows too, as that seems to be my main source of entertainment some nights.

 My daughter Allie has named this blog, and I'm excited to share our chow with cyberspace.

Billy and I are huge into cooking, and we are always trying new things. We also have some tried and true favorites. What you probably won't find on here is recipes, at least not precise ones. I tend to make things a little different all the time, and I'm a firm beleiver that you should ALWAYS experiment with food and flavor. Now, the one disclaimer that I make with this this blog is that I can't taste....everything is textural to me, and I have Billy taste test everything. SO. Just an FYI, I may go into a lot of explaination about plating and appearance, because, to be fair, we all eat with our eyes first.

So, without further ado......

Welcome to The Mood of Food!

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