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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Its Been A While....

So its been a while since I have actually blogged on here. Not that I haven't cooked much, because I have, but I've been lacking my creative ingenuity. (hmm. I'm thinking I spelled that wrong). I've had some good meals out, but nothing to spectacularly write home about...I went to Houston and had my first Po'boy (fried crawfish...yummy). But, again, nothing mind blowing.

So, instead, I'm going to write about grocery shopping in Houston.

First of all..stores there are BIGGER than stores here. Or at least the ones that I found my way into. Well, one chain, but two different locales, on account of me getting lost on my last day there to find the second one. They are called HEB. Holy deliciousness.

First experience in was on a Sunday. They had samples. Like Costco samples. That is awesome. I love samples, especially when there is variety in samples. This store had WINE samples. COPIOUS quantity of wine samples. I had pinot grigio (eh, ok), a delicious red (can't remember the name), a moscato that blew my mind, and a sangria that was unreal.

Let me tell you about the moscato. It had a pretty label with butterflies. It was positively earth shattering, and I went back the day I left (hence getting lost), to buy two for my aunt and one for me. I also bought 2 gallon zip lock bags to attempt to stow said bottles in my checked bag for my flight home, and hope that they didnt shatter all over my stuff. Anyway, I digress. Two bottles. They are delicious, and I might have a glass later. I'm sort of afraid to, because they were so reasonably priced ($10/bottle) that I dont want to have to try to hunt the wine down here, and pay 3x that figure. LOL.

Secondly...I bought blood orange soda and this il Dolce sparkling white wine. This was used in the sangria with strawberries (strawberries purchased yesterday here at Big Y). Again, deliciousness, and all because HEB had samples. *sigh*. Very exciting. Those two bottles were also put in ziplocks and stowed in my checked bag for my flight home.

I will admit, I was terrified to be putting carbonated things in my bag, and worse, liquids in glass bottles. all I could think about was the way they throw those bags and my stuff getting broken. Thankfully, I can say that despite rough treatment, all of my bottles escaped unscathed and unharmed. All things are now in my fridge.

No, I am not a lush, and I didnt just buy alcohol.

I also bought this sauce, called by HEB, "That Green Sauce". Apparently, its made with poblano and jalapeno peppers. Its delicious. That was also a sample, as dip with sour cream, at the store. Bought that and brought it home, also safely packed in a ziplock. I poured some of that on a pork chop the other night and baked it for an hour, and it was very good, although super spicy. Apparently, the sauce really needs the sour cream to cut the spiciness. it was almost too spicy for Daly too.

The piece da resistance that I located in Houston, although, not only available in Houston is fresh squeezed OJ. Again, a sample, I have fallen in love. Never again will I be able to suck it up with bottled garbage. It is sweet and not tart and just overall delicious. Better for you too than the bottled crap.  At this grocery store, they sell it. Bottled. As you stand there and they squeeze it. Yes, its expensive ($5.50 a gallon), but SO WORTH IT. This stuff did not come home with me, although I did indulge in a pint before I went through airport security. However, I purchased oranges when I came home and am on the hunt for a juicer. 

So, the question of the day I buy a stand alone juicer (which is another kitchen appliance I will have to house) or do I buy the Kitchenaid Stand Mixer attachment (which is obviously much smaller). Price is comparable.....

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